The 2025 program

Three days of events and meetings held by authoritative voices in the scientific and institutional fields to analyze health in its broad sense, without excluding any of the activities that are necessary to achieve the well-being of the population on a planetary scale.
10.00 - 11.00
Registration of participants
11.00 - 11.15

Welcome address:
Sergio Giordani, Mayor of the City of Padova
Daniela Mapelli, Rector of the University of Padova
Gilberto Muraro, President of the Cassa di Risparmio Foundation of Padova and Rovigo
Antonio Santocono, President of the Chamber of Commerce, Industries, Handcrafts and Agriculture of Padova

11.15 - 11.30

Message of the President of Veneto Region
Luca Zaia

11.30 - 11.35

Giorgio Palù, University of Padova

Session 1. Environment and infectious agents

Moderator: Giorgio Palù, University of Padova

11.35 - 11.55

"The health policy of Veneto Region: from environmental protection, sanitary prevention and individual care"
Francesca Russo, Veneto Region

11.55 - 12.15

"Epidemic and pandemic research preparedness: pathogens prioritization"
Marco Cavaleri, EMA European Medicine Agency

12.15 - 12.35

"Vector-borne viruses: impact of climate change and human activities"
Luisa Barzon, University of Padova

12.35 - 12.55
12.55 - 13.40
Session 2. Etiology of cancer

Moderator: Antonio Rosato, University of Padova

13.40 - 14.00

"Environment and cancer"
Paolo Vineis, MRC Centre for Environment and Health, School of Public Health, Imperial College London

14.00 - 14.20

"The hallmarks of cancer"
Stefano Piccolo, University of Padova

14.20 - 14.40

"Human Tumour Viruses: Drug Target Identification for HPV and Cervical Cancer"
Lawrence Banks, ICGEB International Centre for Genetic, Engineering and Biotechnology, Trieste

14.40 - 15.00
Session 3. Microbiota and antimicrobial resistance

Moderator: Riccardo Manganelli, University of Padova - Fabio Turone, Center for Ethics in Science and Journalism (CESJ)

15.00 - 15.20

"Microbiota in health and disease"
Nicasio Mancini, University of Insubria, Varese

15.20 - 15.40

"The challenge of antimicrobial resistance in a rapid evolving global environment"
Gian Maria Rossolini, University of Firenze

15.40 - 16.00

"Nosocomial and community acquired antimicrobial resistance: how to face this global health threat"
Evelina Tacconelli, University of Verona

16.00 - 16.20
Session 4. Lessons from epidemiology

Moderator: Paolo Vineis, MRC Centre for Environment and Health, School of Public Health, Imperial College London

16.20 - 16.40

"The engineering of epidemiology"
Andrea Rinaldo, University of Padova - EPFL of Lausanne

16.40 - 17.00

"From exposomes to health: Public health policy"
Silvio Brusaferro, University of Udine

17.00 - 17.15
Session 5. Food, metabolism and health

Moderator: Chiara Sabelli, Science writer - Maurizio Cancian, Scientific Committee of Vocational Training School in General Practice of the Veneto Region

17.15 - 17.35

"Wine, alcohol and health. Epidemiologic evidence and a new large randomized trial"
Miguel Angel Martinez Gonzalez, University of Navarra, Spain - Harvard TH Chan School of Public Health, USA

17.35 - 17.55

"Fat and Health: controversy and evidence"
Francesco Visioli, University of Padova

17.55 - 18.15

"How drugs can shape human response to obesogenic environment"
Angelo Avogaro, University of Padova

18.15 - 18.35
Conclusion of the proceedings
8.00 - 8.45
Registration of participants
8.45 - 9.00

Welcome address:
Manuela Lanzarin, Veneto Region

Session 1. The revolution of RNAs in biology

Moderator: Stefano Piccolo, University of Padova

9.00 - 9.20

"Digital pathology: combining archival histology, tissue imaging and spatial transcriptomics via machine learning"
Angelo Paolo Dei Tos, University of Padova

9.20 - 9.40

"New RNAs from the obscure part of the genome"
Stefano Gustincich, IIT Italian Institute of Technology, Genova

9.40 - 9.55
Session 2. Organoids and scaffolds: new 3D models for understanding human diseases

Moderator: Stefano Piccolo, University of Padova

9.55 - 10.15

"Prenatal diagnosis and foetal medicine"
Paolo De Coppi, University College London Great Ormond Institute of Child Health

10.15 - 10.35

"Brain organoids as models for neurodegenerative diseases"
Nicola Elvassore, Veneto Institute of Molecular Medicine

10.35 - 10.50
Session 3. Metabolic medicine: when the powerhouse goes awry

Moderator: Rosario Rizzuto, University of Padova

10.50 - 11.10

"Development of a gene therapy for AADC deficiency"
Paul Wuh-Liang Hwu, Center for Precision Medicine, China Medical University, Taiwan and California Institute for gene therapy

11.10 - 11.30

"AAV and metabolic diseases: diabetes, MASH and related comorbidities"
Fatima Bosch, Centre for Animal Biotechnology and Gene Therapy, Barcelona

11.30 - 11.45
Session 4. Viruses: from foes to allies in gene therapy

Moderator: Eugenio Baraldi, University of Padova

11.45 - 12.05

"Adeno-Associate Viruses: Powerfull Tools for Tissue-Specific Gene Delivery"
Katherine High, Chief Executive Officer, RhyGaze

12.05 - 12.25

"Lentiviruses for haematopoietic stem-cell gene therapy"
Alessandro Aiuti, “Vita-Salute” San Raffaele University - San Raffaele Hospital, Milano

12.25 - 12.40
12.40 - 13.30
Session 5: Gene correction

Moderator: Alessandra Biffi, University of Padova

13.30 - 13.50

"CRISPR correction of beta-thalassemia and sickle cell anemia"
Franco Locatelli, Consiglio Superiore di Sanità - Bambino Gesù Children’s Hospital, Roma

13.50 - 14.10

"Genome editing of B cells: new frontiers in immune cell therapies"
Paula Cannon, University of Southern California’s Keck School of Medicine

14.10 - 14.25
Session 6: New drugs from pathogenic mutations

Moderator: Leonardo Salviati, University of Padova

14.25 - 14.45

"PCSK9: the target of RNA-based drugs for hypercholesterolemia"
Danilo Norata, University of Milano

14.45 - 15.05

"FIX Padua, a thrombophilic mutation in the cure of hemophilias"
Paolo Simioni, University of Padova

15.05 - 15.20
Session 7. Heart and skeletal muscle: understanding and combating muscle loss

Moderator: Paolo Simioni, University of Padova

15.20 - 15.40

"RNA therapeutics for cardiac gene editing and regeneration"
Mauro Giacca, King’s College London - University of Trieste

15.40 - 16.00

"RNA therapy to restore muscle mass in catabolic conditions"
Marco Sandri, University of Padova

16.00 - 16.15
Session 8. New Technologies in Surgery

Moderators: Claudio Zanon, Motore Sanità - Alfredo Guglielmi, University of Verona

16.15 - 16.35

"Rebuilding the skeleton"
Pietro Ruggieri, Andrea Angelini, University of Padova

16.35 - 16.55

"Redesigning circulation"
Franco Grego, University of Padova

16.55 - 17.15

"The Other Friend’s Toolkit: Lessons from other industries and tech transfer"
Lumsden Alan B., DeBakey Heart & Vascular Center-Department of Cardiovascular Surgery - Houston Methodist Hospital, Pump & Pipes Conference - Video conference

17.15 - 17.35
Session 9. Round Table discussion: From precision medicine to investments in high-tech enterprise

Moderators: Giorgio Palù, University of Padova - Rosario Rizzuto, University of Padova

17.35 - 19.30

Francesca Gennari, Therakos Italia
Lucia Aleotti, Menarini Group
Nicoletta Luppi, MSD Italia
Gaudenzio Meneghesso, University of Padova
Mons. Renzo Pegoraro, Pontifical Academy for Life
Chiara Sabelli, Science writer
Fabio Turone, Center for Ethics in Science and Journalism (CESJ)


Conclusion of the proceedings

Concert - OPV, Orchestra di Padova e del Veneto

Resurrection, Gustav Mahler

Symphony No.2, for soloists, chorus and orchestra
Gilbert Kaplan and Rob Mates version (2012)

Yuliya Progrebnyak, Soprano
Alessandra Visentin, Contralto
Coro del Friuli Venezia Giulia
Cristiano Dell’Oste, Chorus Master
Orchestra di Padova e del Veneto
Marco Angius, Conductor

8.00 - 8.30
Registration of participants
Session 1. Pathogenesis

Moderators: Umberto Cillo, University of Padova - Lucia Zanatta, Order of Biologists of Triveneto

8.30 - 8.50

“Immune-based approaches to HIV eradication”
Guido Silvestri, Emory University School of Medicine

8.50 - 9.10

“Navigating modern pathology in the era of precision medicine”
Aldo Scarpa, University of Verona

9.10 - 9.30

“The unknowns of micro-nanoplastics journey through the human body”
Fazel A. Monikh, University of Padova

9.30 - 9.50

“Micro-Nanoplastics and cardiovascular diseases: evidences and perspectives”
Giuseppe Paolisso, University of Campania “Luigi Vanvitelli”

9.50 - 10.15
Session 2. Viruses from foes to therapeutic agents: the bright side of the moon

Moderators: Fabio Mammano, University of Padova - Paula Cannon, University of Southern California’s Keck School of Medicine

10.15 - 10.35

“Treatment of Glioblastoma Using an Oncolytic Herpes Simplex Virus Armed with IL-12”
Joseph Glorioso, University of Pittsburgh, School of Medicine

10.35 - 10.55

“Monocytes can give a free ride to HSV-1 through the blood-brain barrier: the glioblastoma model”
Arianna Calistri, University of Padova

10.55 - 11.15

“Oncolytic immunoactivation associates with survival in glioblastoma patients”
E. Antonio Chiocca, Harvard Medical School

11.15 - 11.35

“The long journey of gene therapy: from genes to commercial reality”
Fulvio Mavilio, University of Modena and Reggio Emilia and Orchard Therapeutics, London

11.35 - 11.55

“New perspectives for mRNA vaccines”
Rino Rappuoli, Bitchnopole Foundation and Antipandemic Hub - Siena

11.55 - 12.15

“Advanced genetic engineering of hematopoiesis to open new therapeutic opportunities”
Luigi Naldini, San Raffaele Telethon Institute for Gene Therapy

12.15 - 12.50
12.50 - 13.20

Concluding remarks. Signing of the WHFV 2025 protocol to promote health science - in a decalogue - like text (Press release)
Silvio Brusaferro, University of Udine
Franco Foresta Martin, journalist, TV writer
Giorgio Palù, University of Padova
Caterina Pastori, Scientific Committee of Vocational Training School in General Practice of the Veneto Region.
Rosario Rizzuto, University of Padova

13.20 - 13.30

Farewells and conclusion of the proceedings with the prospect of next WHFV
Manuela Lanzarin, Veneto Region
Alfredo Guglielmi, University of Verona


The World Health Forum Veneto is born with a specific purpose: to analyze the present and delve into the future of medical sciences and technologies that can improve life.

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