Wednesday, March 20, 2024
Palazzo della Ragione

The first day of the World Health Forum opens with the speech by Luca Zaia, President of the Veneto Region, and is hosted in the magnificent setting of the Palazzo della Ragione.

15:00 - 18:35
Palazzo della Ragione

The event is open to all citizens, professionals, patients, and experts. Take part in the World Health Forum Veneto.

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The day's program includes a conversation with Daniela Mapelli, Magnificent Rector of the University of Padua, and speeches by Mayor Sergio Giordani and some of the most authoritative voices in the scientific and entrepreneurial field.


Ore 15:00
Registration and Welcome - Press Briefing
Ore 15:30
Conference opening

Presents: Gaia Padovan, Mediaset journalist

Ore 15:45
Opening Speech

Dr Luca Zaia
President of the Veneto Region

Ore 16:00

"The role of university research in the development of artificial intelligence applied to medicine"


Prof. Daniela Mapelli
Rector Magnificus of the University of Padua, in dialogue with academics Proffs. Angelo Paolo Dei Tos, Gaudenzio Meneghesso, Mattia Veronese, Roberto Vettor

Moderator: Valeria Pini, La Repubblica

Ore 16:40

“How to predict and how to deal with the next pandemic”

Prof. Giorgio Palù

Emeritus Professor of Microbiology and Virology, University of Padova - Past President European Society for Virology

Prof. Thomas Mertens
President STIKO (Permanent Vaccine
Commission/Robert Koch Institute) e Prof. Emerito di Virologia presso l’Università di Ulm

Moderator: Margherita De Bac, Corriere della Sera

Ore 17:10
Keynote speech

“Radically transforming our health systems using digital, data and artificial intelligence”

Prof. Martin Curley

Director, Digital Health Ecosystem Innovation Value Institute, Maynooth University

Ore 17:40

"The role of Chamber of Commerce entities and banking foundations in supporting the development of artificial intelligence in healthcare"

Dr. Antonio Santocono
President of the Chamber of Commerce, Industry, Handicrafts, and Agriculture of Padua

Prof. Gilberto Muraro President of the Cassa di Risparmio Foundation of Padua and Rovigo

Moderator: Gaia Padovan, Mediaset journalist

Ore 18:20

Sergio Giordani
Mayor of Padua

Ore 18:35
Conclusion of the sessions

During the event, some of the most pressing issues in health and risk promotion will be addressed, all aimed at increasing citizen awareness and prevention.

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The World Health Forum Veneto is born with a specific purpose: to analyze the present and delve into the future of medical sciences and technologies that can improve life.

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